ROL Index
Are you managing your financial affairs in a way that improves the life that you're currently living?
Many people do not! Our Return on Life Index asks you to assess 10 aspects of your life that relate to whether or not you are making progress. We identify areas where you can use your money more effectively to make things better, and, importantly, celebrate the areas where you’ve made progress.
The next time we meet we will get a sense of what’s important to you, what’s happening with you now and what you might find challenging or exciting about your financial future as it’s unfolding. Life is full of possibilities and we want to help you make sense of all the accumulated ‘bits’ of your financial life.
Brick House Strategic Wealthtm fits them together so that your money matches up with your life and values.
You want to live the best life possible with the money you have. You can get a sense of where you are now by clicking on the following link.